Publish Your Novel with Blurb

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We've partnered with Blurb, a self-publishing company, to offer YWP participants a special NaNoWriMo landing page, a free ISBN, and 30% off your first order. Plus, 15% of your purchase goes to support the always-free YWP!

Print your novel with Blurb.

Below, find explanations for three different ways to print your book, in order from the easiest, most basic process to the more complicated, creative one. Choose the process that works for you, and more importantly, get printing! You deserve it. 

(Educator tip: To bulk order your students' books and save on shipping, follow these directions.

Option 1: Let NaNoWriMo design your book for you.

1. Download the 5x8 PDF copy of your book from the writing space. Check it over to be sure all the text is exactly how you want it. If not, revise and edit, then download a new version. 

2. Go to the YWP page on Blurb and click "Get Started."

3. On the left, set your size to 5x8 inches. Choose your own cover type and print options. The most basic choices are softcover and economy b&w.

4. On the right, click the "Create and upload your PDF" button.

5. Click the "Upload PDF" button, then complete the process for signing up for an account. You'll need an email address, but you won't have to wait for any verification emails to continue. 

6. Under "Your PDF Details" click the box that says "Cover & Pages in Single File." 

7. Under "Upload your PDF Files" click the button to upload your PDF. Select the PDF of your novel that you downloaded from the writing space. Once it's uploaded, click next. 
Adobe InDesign Users: You might want to click the "Download the Plug-In" button at the top of the page to use Adobe InDesign to create your PDF.

8. Select your desired cover type and paper type. Choose the "Blurb's Free ISBN" option (it should be preselected). Write your book title and name, and choose the color you'd like for the spine of your novel. 

9. Click "Upload to Blurb." If you get a page that says "Preflight has detected problems with your PDF," no problem! Just click the "Attempt to correct & continue" button. 

10. Click the "Preview Book" button. Look through the preview to be sure everything is exactly how you want it. If not, click "Upload a new PDF" and go through the process again after making edits to your novel. If everything is perfect, click the "Order Book" button and complete the purchasing process.

Option 2: Design your own cover. Let NaNoWriMo do the rest.

1. Follow steps 1-5 from Option 1 above.

2. Under "Your PDF Details" click the box that says "Cover & Pages in Separate Files."

3. Under "Upload your PDF Files" click the "Pages PDF" button. Select the PDF of your novel that you downloaded from the writing space. 
Adobe InDesign Users: You might want to click the "Download the Plug-In" button at the top of the page to use Adobe InDesign to create your pages and cover PDFs.

4. Design your front and back cover using your own skills. Make sure it fits the right specifications. When it's exactly how you want it, click the "Cover PDF" button in the "Upload your PDF Files" section to upload your cover PDF. 

5. Follow steps 8-10 from Option 1 above.

Option 3: Design your whole book, you creative genius, you. 

1. Go to the YWP page on Blurb and click "Get Started."

2. Click the blue "Create your book with Blurb" button to the right. 

3. Click the "Download Bookwright" button and use the free desktop software to create your book. 


Create a PDF of your novel and cover using your own preferred program, then click the "Create and upload your PDF" button from the Getting Started page.

(Here's a printable version of these directions.)