Congratulations, NaNoWriMo 2024 Winner!

You’ve done it, brave writer! You’ve transformed your spark of creativity into something amazing! You’ve taken an idea and expanded upon it, and kept expanding, until it became something real. Whether you’ve finished your novel to completion or 50,000 words is just the beginning, you’ve already won.

We stand with you in your win, sending you a virtual high-five, fist bump, pat on the back, or even a knowing, approving look. We want you to feel ✨ extra special ✨, so we put together this page to give you a bunch of goodies and give you more chances to treat yourself!

Winner's Certificate

Download your winner's certificate and print out a copy for home, a copy for school, and a few hundred more copies to wallpaper your bedroom with. You won! 

(Note: this is a fillable PDF. Use the link above to reach the winner certificate and type in your information directly before printing!)

Winner Badge

Here’s to your big NaNo win! This 2024 Winner’s Badge will let you share your accomplishment with pride. Use hash tag #NaNoWinner2024 to find and celebrate with other winners!

NaNoWriMo 2024 - Round Badge

Winner Swag

Celebrate your win with this year’s NaNoWriMo winner shirt! Browse other amazing items in a special section of our store we’ve lovingly dubbed The Winner’s Circle! It includes stickers, buttons, embroidered patches, and even an amazing plaque to celebrate your win. Be sure to ask your parent or guardian for permission before picking up items from our store, and remember, there's plenty of free fanfare to be had!  

Buy a winner shirt!

Buy winner buttons! 

(You can also peruse more awesome NaNo swag like notebooks, drinking cups, sweatpants, and more in our store.)

Important! Download Your Novel and Back Up Your Work 

Young Wrimos in particular are susceptible to not being able to access their work later. Some of you did not use an email address to create your accounts. Others may have used a school email address that you won't have access to forever. 

Though we make every effort to store you work for a reasonable period of time, we strongly advise that you create a copy of your work and put it somewhere safe, now! 

And if you're still bitten by the writing bug and want to keep writing, just start another adventure, then set a new goal! You can do this by going to your Dashboard and accepting a personal challenge invitation with a new or existing novel. Choose your own timeline and word-count goal, and keep the creative momentum going.