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Camp Care Package #1: Design your perfect space.

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Author Lindsey Grant is your Camp Counselor this week. Find all Camp Care Packages in Breaking News throughout the month of July, or learn more about Camp NaNoWriMo!

1) Design your ideal writing space: 

Optimize your writing space so it’s always ready to go. If you don’t already have a designated spot to write in, designate one, and make it mirror your ideal creative environment. Do you like silence or noise? Clutter or clean? Solitude or company? Do you get inspiration from your surroundings? If you love listening to music while you write, make a writing playlist. If you need a steady hum of activity around you, write in a public place, when possible (even if that’s your living room!). If you know in advance how, where, and when you write best, you’ll never have to fuss over your creative space when the inspiration strikes.

2) Stop half-way through a scene: 

If you’re having a hard time jump-starting your daily word fest, trying leaving a scene-in-progress for yourself to return to later. When you come back to that half-done section, you already know where you’re going and what remains to be written. Let that serve as your warm-up; by the time your scene is complete, your hesitations and uncertainties are long gone and you’ll be blazing a hot, wordy trail into new portions of your novel.

Writing Dare: Try ending your writing session today on a real cliff-hanger, something like "She opened the door and gasped!" or "When the boy said his name I almost fainted because..."

author photo

Lindsey Grant is the former Program Director for NaNoWriMo. She holds an MFA in Creative Nonfiction and English from Mills College in Oakland, California. Though she lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for nine glorious, sun-drenched years, she originally hails from Atlanta, Georgia. She currently lives in Zurich, Switzerland with her husband and their cats, where she cooks often, tries to speak German, and blogs about her attempts to assimilate. Check out her website.

What's up at Camp?

  • Join our next Virtual Write-In tomorrow, July 7, at 1:30 PM PT (Your Time Zone) — It's a chance to gather with other writers from around the world for writing sprints, fun conversation, and more! Plus, Camp Counselor and memoir expert Lindsey Grant will make a special guest appearance to share her advice!

  • Try something new this Camp — write a memoir! Memoirs are true stories from your life. They can be funny, sad, strange, or all three, just like novels. Check out our Camp Memoir page for more how-to resources!
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