Breaking News

NaNoWriMo is almost here! We want to share with you important information about changes to educator accounts in 2024.    Read More

Breaking News: As 2023 comes to a close, we want to celebrate all the wonderful words and worlds we created together.    Read More

Breaking News: “Go with the flow, jumble up the letters 'til you feel the vibes...” Read more of Srikala’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: “NaNoWriMo is about writing the story you want to write, one that you love writing..” Read more of Kelly’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: The author of the graphic novel Gender Queer gives advice on writing themes.    Read More

Breaking News: “NaNoWriMo isn’t about perfection, but about keeping your head held high...” Read more of Lauren’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: The author of The Gilded Wolves, Aru Shah, and Star-Touch series highlights the importance of joy in writing, especially in hard times.    Read More

Breaking News: “You see, writing is a lot like that meatloaf.” Read more of Emily's pep talk about embracing imperfect writing!    Read More

Breaking News: The author of One Crazy Summer (and other books) shares her tips for getting through the early stages of a writing project.    Read More

Breaking News: A Star Wars and Percy Jackson universes author shares their tips for writing (and eating peanut-butter-filled pretzels)...    Read More

Breaking News: November is starting around the globe! You've got great ideas and now it's time to turn them into a story. Need some tips? Read more...    Read More

Breaking News: Want a chance for a professional to design your NaNo project's cover? Or do you have your own cover you want to show off? Find out how!    Read More

Breaking News: Want to inspire thousands of YWP writers to tell their stories? Submit your idea for a pep talk by Sunday, October 15. Read more here!    Read More

Breaking News: Accept the official NaNoWriMo 2023 challenge from your Dashboard, and get ready to write with NaNo Prep resources.    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Prince Shakur. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Kelsey Norris. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, India Hill Brown. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: July's Camp NaNoWriMo is almost here! YWP Participant Sahasra N. has some advice for writers looking for new ideas. Read more here!    Read More

Breaking News: Check out this collection of winning novel excerpts by four young writers!    Read More

Breaking News: "But suddenly, it isn't Willow I'm looking at..." Read Hannah G.'s excerpt!    Read More

Breaking News: "Zahra gripped the wrapper, shifting to see it better in the dim light..." Read Asenath W.'s excerpt!    Read More

Breaking News: We read over 650 wonderful excerpts! See the winning entries and hear what our guest judge Sarah Suk had to say.    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Tracy Badua. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips from this week's Youtube Guide, Siera Schubach! Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Mel Walker. Plus, check out what's happening this week!    Read More

Breaking News: NaNo Participant Nayantara discusses token representation and how to avoid doing it in your own writing!    Read More

Breaking News: Set a goal and try to reach it during the month of April alongside thousands of other writers. Plus a contest update!    Read More

Breaking News: Submit a revised excerpt from your novel (up to 400 words) for the chance to win. The deadline to submit is February 28.    Read More

Breaking News: Check out our "Now What?" resources for support revising and publishing your draft. Plus, 3 bonus writing tips from our blog!    Read More

Breaking News: Try any of these activities to keep you inspired and creative throughout the rest of December.    Read More

Breaking News: TGIO (Thank Goodness It's Over), Writer! How are you feeling? Take a well deserved rest... and share your feedback in our survey!    Read More

"In the end, that’s what writing is really about—finding your vision and your voice, and being true to them." Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: “Every story is HORRIBLE at first, just like that ugly caterpillar that keeps eating at your flowers.” Read more of Zailey’s pep talk!    Read More

Celebrate the one good line you wrote that warms your heart or the hard paragraph you churned out of a scene you were dreading... Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: “It's because of you these characters and worlds exist. ” Read more of Gretchen’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "Here, on the page—this is the place. This is the place for your big and wild feelings, your hopes and dreams..." Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: "Don't be perfect, just finish!” Read more of Noa's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: NaNoWriMo isn’t meant for you to draft a perfect manuscript... Read the rest of Kalynn's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "The sooner you know what you struggle at, the sooner you can weaponize it." Read more of Caroline's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: “The worst part of not writing is that writing always lingers at the edges of it.” Read the rest of Sarah's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: It's NaNoWriMo time again! You've got great ideas and now it's time to turn them into a story. Need some tips? Read More...    Read More

Breaking News: Writing a novel may seem scary, but bestselling author Kwame Mbalia is here with some tips for November! Read more here!    Read More

Breaking News: Want to inspire thousands of YWP writers to tell their stories? Submit your idea for a pep talk by Sunday, Oct. 9. Read more here!    Read More

Breaking News: Accept the official NaNo challenge from your dashboard, and get ready for writing this November with our NaNo Prep resources.    Read More

Thinking about changing or reorganizing your writing space? Get some tips from NaNoWriMo writer Bernadette Benda!    Read More

Breaking News: NaNoWriMo guest writer Siera Schubach has some tips on helping you build the world of your story.    Read More

Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Tirzah Price. Plus, check out what's happening this week!    Read More

Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Lisa Stringfellow. Plus, check out what's happening this week!    Read More

Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Mia P. Manansala. Plus, check out what's happening this week!    Read More

Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Angelina Lopez. Plus, check out what's happening this week!    Read More

Breaking News: Start working on your novel (essay, poem, script, fanfic, anything!) on July 1! Look forward to a whole month of creativity.    Read More

Breaking News: We're hosting the second session of our Camp challenge in just a few days. Why not try something new?    Read More

Breaking News: Turning 18 before July 1? Learn about what you can do with your "YWP alum" account, and sign up for a new account at    Read More

Exam season is coming up, which means that writing often takes a backseat. Liv Will, university student and writer, has some advice!    Read More

Breaking News: Fill out a short survey to tell us how your writing went, or check out what's next at NaNo. (Plus, happy Teacher Appreciation Day!)    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Michael Leali. Plus, check out what's happening this week!    Read More

Breaking News: Check out this collection of winning novel excerpts by four young writers. There's something for everyone to enjoy!    Read More

Breaking News: "Edith popped a lollipop in her mouth and hopped down from the wall. The morning had been successful..." Read Abigail C.'s excerpt!    Read More

Breaking News: "Phinsby was out the door in an instant. The shock of the cold, icy air outside made it hard to breathe..." Read Asenath W.'s excerpt!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Sarah Suk. Plus, check out what's happening this week!    Read More

Breaking News: We read over 650 wonderful excerpts! See the winning entries and hear what our guest judge Tashie Bhuiyan had to say.    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Autumn Kalquist. Plus, check out what's happening this week!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Uju Asika. Plus, check out what's happening this week!    Read More

Breaking News: NaNoWriMo guest writer Esther Wildman has some tips on helping you find your writing process. Plus, another "Now What?" contest update!    Read More

Breaking News: High school sophomore Avery Nicole explains how characters with inner conflict make the story memorable. Plus, start a Camp project!    Read More

Breaking News: Author Cass Morris shares suggestions for deeply exploring worldbuilding. (Also, a timeline update for the "Now What?" Contest!)    Read More

Breaking News: Learn how to write a novel pitch that will wow an agent. Then, submit it to Pitchapalooza for the chance to get professional feedback!    Read More

Breaking News: NaNo guest writer Celeste October offers advice on how to make our characters feel more like people rather than concepts on a page.    Read More

Breaking News: Use your creative videomaking skills to help the nonprofit behind NaNoWriMo win important grant money!    Read More

Breaking News: Writer Devin Gifford shares her story of writing and publishing her NaNo novel.    Read More

Breaking News: Submit a revised excerpt from your novel (up to 400 words) for the chance to win. The deadline to submit is February 28.    Read More

Breaking News: Revise, edit, and maybe even publish your novel using our "Now What?" Months resources. The first draft is only the beginning...    Read More

Breaking News: Nichelle Wong shares her piece on how to handle rejection based on her own personal experiences.    Read More

Breaking News: Try any of these activities to keep you inspired and creative throughout the rest of December.    Read More

Breaking News: Your feedback is important! Fill out our survey and help us make 2022 the best year yet. Click to read more.    Read More

Breaking News: TGIO (Thank Goodness It's Over), Writer! How are you feeling? No matter your word count, take a minute to be proud.    Read More

Breaking News: "What you are creating is wholly yours. Make it what you want it to be...." Read the rest of Nic's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: Stuck on your work? Maybe try rearranging! Check out Rebecca L's pep talk for a fun way to view your work that might help you out!    Read More

Breaking News: "I always think of the first draft as the process of digging up the clay..." Read the rest of Emily's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: Needs some tips and tricks to get through Nano? Check out Savera's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "You’ve decided to do it, so don’t look back..." Read the rest of Michelle's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: Ever considered writing to be like baking? No? Well read fellow YWP community member Keira's sweet take on the writing process.    Read More

Breaking News: "This draft will help you find a beating heart of your story..." Read the rest of Anna-Marie's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: Borrow one of our opening lines, join a virtual event, but most importantly... start writing! Read more.    Read More

Breaking News: “Get to know your characters, your world, or your writing style just a bit better.” Read more of Ramona's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "Part alchemy, part organization, and part emotional rollercoaster..." Read the rest of Tracy's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: NaNo guest Zacharia Brendon Devlin shares his guide for creating an epic fantasy novel.    Read More

Breaking News: Do you want to see your NaNo project with a cover designed by a professional artist? Read more to find out how!    Read More

Breaking News: If you're a Black or Brown writer ages 15-20, YAP wants to read (and maybe publish) your chapter book! Check out all the details here.    Read More

Breaking News: Want to inspire thousands of YWP writers (and become NaNo famous)? Submit your idea for a pep talk by Sunday, Oct. 10. Read more here!    Read More

Breaking News: Chris Cross is here with a super quick writing exercise to help you discover your character's motivation.    Read More

Breaking News: Accept the official NaNo challenge from your dashboard, and get ready for writing this November with our NaNo Prep resources.    Read More

Breaking News: Self-published author Ava Lofty offers her best advice on what someone should do to get their motivation back. Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: “When you are going through writer’s block, you are lost in a maze...” Read the rest of 12-year-old Julianna Trudden’s advice!    Read More

Breaking News: See how this NaNoWriMo author learned how to revise her dialogue!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Katy Rose Pool. Plus, check out other Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Margaret Owen. Plus, check out other Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Tashie Bhuiyan. Plus, check out other Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Lindsey Grant. Plus, check out our Camp Memoir resources!    Read More

Breaking News: Ever feel like your writing isn't as good as the books you read? Turns out there's a name for that...    Read More

Breaking News: The NaNoWriMo Writers Board bring their top tips for finishing a novel. Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: We're hosting a second Camp NaNoWriMo challenge this July! This could be your chance to write that thing you've always wanted to...    Read More

Breaking News: "My absolute, hands down, one hundred percent favorite thing about finishing a novel's first draft? " Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: Malaysia-based NaNoWriMo veteran Ali Gallo offers some sage advice about the importance of staying connected. Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: NYT Bestselling author J. Elle shares some pro tips for fast drafting. Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Michelle Ruiz Keil. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Kristina Forest. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Check out this collection of novel excerpts by four young writers. There's something for everyone to enjoy!    Read More

Breaking News: "Ellie had never been to the principal’s office..." Read the rest of Julia B.'s novel excerpt!    Read More

Breaking News: "Nikolai was living on borrowed time..." Read the rest of Sophie C.'s novel excerpt!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Jen Breach. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: We read over 600 drama-packed excerpts! See the winning entries and hear what our guest judge Christina Li had to say.    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Nicole Glover. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Start working on your novel (essay, poem, script, fanfic, anything!) on April 1! Look forward to a whole month of creativity.    Read More

Breaking News: Character building can be tough! NaNoWriMo writer Nichole Fanara challenges us to think outside the box when creating new ones...    Read More

Breaking News: Feeling stuck with your story? Try these helpful hints by YWP participant Cozetta J!    Read More

Breaking News: Submit a revised excerpt from your novel (up to 400 words) to our "Now What?" Young Writers Contest.    Read More

Breaking News: NaNoWriMo is in the running for a grant from Project for Awesome. Vote for our videos to help us win!    Read More

Breaking News: Riya M. Cyriac, Executive Director of The Young Writers Initiative, has a few helpful tips for finishing a first draft. Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: Learn how a write a novel pitch that will wow an agent. Then, submit it to Pitchapalooza for the chance to get professional feedback!    Read More

Breaking News: There are many ways to confront the blank page. Here's some advice on how to beat writer's block from YWP Participant Aamukta T.!    Read More

Breaking News: Get ready for the "Now What?" Young Writers Contest! Submit a revised excerpt from your novel (up to 400 words) for the chance to win.    Read More

Breaking News: During our "Now What?" Months, we provide resources, tools, and support for revising and publishing your novel. Check it out!    Read More

Breaking News: NaNoWriMo is over but Writer's Block is still alive and well. Here are YWP Participant Jonia C's tips on how to beat it! Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: Your feedback is important! Fill out our survey and help us make 2021 the best year yet. Click to read more.    Read More

Breaking News: NaNoWriMo is over, but your creative star is on the rise! Whether or not you met your goal, it's time to celebrate...    Read More

Breaking News: "By the time the month has ended, the progress you make and the experience you gain will astonish you." Read more of Chiara's talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "Grab a writerly beverage of your choice and throw on a party hat—and when you get back, keep working!" Read more of Victoria's talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "My outline was long abandoned, my main character was cantankerous, and finals were right around the corner." Read the whole pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "Write what you want to write about, not what you think you should write about." For even more wisdom, read Anna's Pep Talk here!    Read More

Breaking News: "Kick out the little voice in your head that’s trying to make you afraid..." Read the rest of Kacen's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "We’ve decided that authors are just as human as we are and that we shouldn’t let 'the look' discourage us." Read Noelle's talk here!    Read More

Breaking News: "Stories make us feel seen and heard. They entertain us and allow us to escape..." Read the rest of Alexis's pep talk!    Read More

BREAKING NEWS: "You have chosen to write, which is significant. Now, to survive NaNo, you need to push yourself." Read more of Plaksha's talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "The only person you have to entertain right now is you..." Read the rest of Charlie Jane's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: Borrow one of our opening lines, join a virtual write-in, but most importantly... start writing! Read more.    Read More

Breaking News: "The first draft is never perfect." Read the rest of Ollie's post!    Read More

Breaking News: There's always that scene we dread having to sit and write. YWP Participant Anastasia Sukhoverkhova is here to help you through it!    Read More

Breaking News: Having trouble flushing out your characters? YWP Participant Natalie Gertsenberger has a character creation exercise to help you out!    Read More

Breaking News: Do you want to see your NaNo project with a cover designed by a professional designer? Read more to find out how!    Read More

Breaking News! "...weirdness is bound to come your way." YWP Participant Shriya Sardeshpande reminds us of owning our weirdness as writers. Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: Want to inspire thousands of YWP writers (and become NaNo famous)? Submit your idea for a pep talk by Sunday, Oct. 18. Read more here!    Read More

Breaking News: Need some writing inspiration? Hungry for community? Straight-up procrastinating? Check out the writing videos on our YouTube channel.    Read More

Breaking News: Get ready for November with our NaNo Prep resources. Plus, take a last look at the forums before they're made fresh for NaNo 2020!    Read More

Breaking News: How did your Camp NaNoWriMo go? Plus, a farewell from our intern, Jubilee (AKA JN).    Read More

Breaking News: "You can do anything if you put your mind to it!." Read the rest of Mahreema's post!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips from this week's Camp Counselor, Ashley Woodfolk. Plus, check out the most current Camp (and musical!) happenings.    Read More

Breaking News: “What if we add our world into our books?” Read more of Emma’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips from this week's Camp Counselor, Leah Johnson. Plus, check out the most current Camp (and musical!) happenings.    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips from this week's Camp Counselor, Maggie Tokuda-Halli. Plus, check out the most current Camp (and musical!) happenings.    Read More

Breaking News: Enjoy this collection of stories by three young writers. There's something for everyone!    Read More

Breaking News: "The air was warm and damp on Maren’s face as she leaned against a tree..." Read the rest of Asenath's story!    Read More

Breaking News: "She perched in the eaves, ready to rappel down with her knife at a moment’s notice..." Read the rest of Salma's story!    Read More

Breaking News: "'Happy birthday Luna!' Mother said to me. I looked at the cake she was carrying..." Read the rest of Lily's story!    Read More

Breaking News: "Charlie Hargreeves was a spider. That's what they called the most powerful man in the city..." Read the rest of Jacqueline C's story!    Read More

Breaking News: “Find your goals, but be forgiving.” Read more of Kristen’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "I had given myself a nearly impossible goal..." Read the rest of Lana B's excerpt.    Read More

Breaking News: “Planning out your story will make your writing process easier.” Read more of Diya’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips from this week's Camp Counselor, Christina Li. Plus, check out the most current Camp (and musical!) happenings.    Read More

Breaking News: We read over 1,100 powerful short stories! See the winning entries and hear what our guest judge Amy Spalding had to say.    Read More

Breaking News: "Your story can be your best friend." Read the rest of Claire's post!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips from this week's Camp Counselor, Ran Walker. Plus, check out the most current Camp (and musical!) happenings.    Read More

Breaking News: Got a song and a story that the world needs to hear? Learn how to write a musical with the help of a couple experts!    Read More

Breaking News: Turning 18 before July 1? Learn about what you can do with your "YWP alum" account, and sign up for a new account at    Read More

Breaking News: Camp NaNoWriMo in July, and updates about our Flash Fiction Contest.    Read More

Breaking News: Not writing flash fiction? Submit an idea for the NaNoWriMo blog! Also, declare your July Camp project starting June 1.    Read More

Breaking News: "History, experiences, and memories can all play a huge part in a successful novel." Read the rest of Allison's post!    Read More

Breaking News: Love short stories? Write a piece of flash fiction (under 300 words) and submit it by May 31 for the chance to win.    Read More

Breaking News: "The more you write, the better you'll be." Read the rest of Adrienne's post!    Read More

Breaking News: "What we see, hear, and talk about online can influence what we write and how we write it." Read the rest of Sarah's post!    Read More

Breaking News: How did your Camp NaNoWriMo go? Plus, submit to our Flash Fiction contest!    Read More

Breaking News: “You have the power to create something beautiful.” Read more of Lily’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: “Every time you write, you become better at it.” Read more of Hannah’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Dallas Woodburn. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: “We can sit down. We can write. We can work hard. And we can be consistent with what we do.” Read more of Wafaa’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "Roleplays can provide some clever inspiration in ways you could never expect until you face them." Read the rest of Nova's post!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Jennifer Ziegler. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: “The sense of accomplishment you’ll feel when you’re done is astronomical.” Read more of Katie’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "Your experience and your environment make every story unique." Read the rest of Asher's post!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, An Na. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: "Research is a key aspect and will greatly aid the process of honoring characters." Read the rest of Madalyn R.'s post!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and a dare from this week's Camp Counselor, Devi S. Laskar. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Start working on your novel (essay, poem, script, fanfic, anything!) on April 1! Look forward to a whole month of creativity.    Read More

Breaking News: Enjoy this collection of excerpts by four young writers. There's something for everyone!    Read More

Breaking News: "The Food Variety Show was finally over. That night, the food in the refrigerator chatted excitedly." Read the rest of Kyler's excerpt!    Read More

Breaking News: "'Queen Gold, I challenge you for the throne of the Gold kingdom!' my daughter Winter hisses..." Read the rest of Leila M's excerpt!    Read More

Breaking News: "I lean against a willow tree, heart racing, breathing hard. The cool summer breeze calms me..." Read the rest of Rivka J's excerpt!    Read More

Breaking News: "Maman crooked her finger, beckoning her daughter forward. 'Why so afraid, my little cygnet?'" Read the rest of Dana B's excerpt!    Read More

Breaking News: "Had she gone deaf? Desperate for sound, Sharon dashed from the room..." Read the rest of Miriam G's excerpt.    Read More

Breaking News: "On Tea Henshaw’s second day, she hit Calvin in the jaw..." Read the rest of Noelle H's excerpt.    Read More

Breaking News: We read over 500 dramatic, moving excerpts! See the winning entries and hear what our guest judge Kat Zhang had to say.    Read More

Breaking News: We’ll have seven weekdays of support for you leading up to Camp in April. Let’s do this (6 feet apart but) together!    Read More

Breaking News: Start a new project, or revise an old one. Camp NaNoWriMo is a time to try new things! Plus, a contest update.    Read More

Breaking News: Celebrate (and share!) your novel during our NaNo-Novel Premiere Week. Plus, exciting news about a guest author judge!    Read More

Breaking News: Submit a pitch to Pitchapalooza, an excerpt the YWP "Now What?" Contest, or publish your book with Blurb. Learn more!    Read More

Breaking News: Learn how a write a novel pitch that will wow an agent. Then, submit it to Pitchapalooza for the chance to get professional feedback!    Read More

Breaking News: Introducing the "Now What?" Young Writers Contest! Submit a revised excerpt from your novel (up to 400 words) for the chance to win.    Read More

Breaking News: During our "Now What?" Months, we provide resources, tools, and support for revising and publishing your novel. Check it out!    Read More

Breaking News: Your feedback is important! Fill out our survey and help us make 2020 the best year yet. Click to read more.    Read More

Breaking News: Help NaNoWriMo earn money—just by voting for our videos! About one hundred times easier than writing a novel in a month...    Read More

Breaking News: Whether it was one paragraph or one hundred pages, you wrote something last month, and that's huge! What's next?    Read More

Breaking News: "Think of how you want your story to end." Read Lin's full pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "Think about how much you’ve already accomplished, and how hard you’ve worked..." Read the rest of Jasmine's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "Everyone has a story to share, but not everyone has the opportunity to write one." Read Joseph's full pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "Sometimes a change of scenery is all you need—and doesn’t have to be as far away as you think!" Read Katherine's full pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "Don’t give up! Don’t give into self-doubt or lack of motivation. Just become." Read Ethan's full pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "Everyone who finishes a book has one thing in common: follow-through." Read the rest of Maurene's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "It doesn’t have to be good. It just has to exist so you can make it better." Read V.E.'s full pep talk here.    Read More

Breaking News: "Close your eyes and see if there is a movie playing on the black screens behind your eyes." Read Anne's full pep talk here.    Read More

Breaking News: Borrow one of our opening lines, get inspired with a pep talk from Anne Lamott, but most importantly... start writing! Read more.    Read More

Breaking News: Get practice structuring your scenes! Participate live on Wednesday, October 30 at 1PM Pacific Time, or watch afterwards. Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: November starts in just under a week! Are you ready to write? Follow our checklist, and join in on a Young Inklings webcast! Read more.    Read More

Breaking News: Want a cover designed for your novel this November? Submit your idea to our 30C30D contest for the chance to win one! Read more...    Read More

Breaking News: Want to inspire thousands of YWP writers (and become NaNo famous)? Submit your idea for a pep talk by Sunday, Oct. 20. Read more here!    Read More

Breaking News: Everything you need to start planning your novel. November, here we come! Read more.    Read More

Breaking News: A new book for young writers, an Instagram challenge, and writing for the NaNoWriMo blog...oh my! Read more.    Read More

Breaking News: High fives all around!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Katya de Becerra. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Yangsze Choo. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and a dare from this week's Camp Counselor, Kat Zhang. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and a dare from this week's Camp Counselor, Kat Yeh. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Join our July session of Camp to work on any creative project you choose! Find out more.    Read More

Breaking News: Enjoy this collection of stories by eight young writers. Get ready to be blown away like a loose balloon (see what we did there?).    Read More

Breaking News: "Red to catch the dragon’s eye, the balloon floated away from the cliff..." Read the rest of Miriam G.'s story!    Read More

Breaking News: "Beatrice had never seen an unopened portal before..." Read the rest of Lainey T.'s story.    Read More

Breaking News: We read over 1,100 surprising and superb stories! See the winning entries and hear what our guest judge had to say.    Read More

Breaking News: Turning 18 before July 1? Learn about what you can do with your "YWP alum" account, and sign up for a new account at    Read More

Breaking News: Not sure what to write for your July Camp NaNoWriMo project? We've got some suggestions! Plus, an update on the Flash Fiction Contest.    Read More

Breaking News: Send in your story, and keep writing all summer with NaNoWriMo's Summer Writing Program. Educator resources included!    Read More

Breaking News: Join our Flash Fiction webcast May 9 and write short stories with us all month. Plus, submit to our Flash Fiction Contest.    Read More

Breaking News: How did your Camp NaNoWriMo go? Plus two new writing opportunities.    Read More

Breaking News: Get inspired with our video pep talk, then write, write, write! 24 hours is time for a whole lotta words...    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Cass Morris. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Love short stories? Write a piece of flash fiction (under 300 words) and submit it by May 31 for the chance to win.    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and dares from this week's Camp Counselor, Lilliam Rivera. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Write with us from April 10 to April 14. Try out our daily writing (and community) challenges!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and a dare from this week's Camp Counselor, Adib Khorram. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and a dare from this week's Camp Counselor, Alexia Gordon. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Start working on your novel (essay, poem, script, fanfic, anything!) on April 1! Look forward to a whole month of creativity.    Read More

Breaking News: Enjoy this collection of three excerpts by YWP authors Anna, Molly, and Lia.    Read More

Breaking News: “The passenger drone purrs as we glide over the fish farms, spindly black grids stretching for miles..." Read the rest!    Read More

Breaking News: "'Do come inside.”' Leonard stepped into the room..." Read the rest of Ben's excerpt.    Read More

Breaking News: We read over 650 astounding novel excerpts! See the winning stories and learn about more ways you can share your writing.    Read More

Breaking News: Explore the world of your story by playing games. Participate live on Thursday, March 14, at 1PM PST or watch afterwards.    Read More

Breaking News: Set a goal and work on a creative project this April. Plus, an update on our young writers contests.    Read More

Breaking News: Contest opportunities, live webcasts, and an Instagram challenge, oh my!    Read More

Breaking News: Learn how a write a novel pitch that will wow an agent, or submit your pitch to Pitchapalooza for professional feedback!    Read More

Breaking News: Introducing the "Now What?" Young Writers Contest! Submit a revised excerpt from your novel (up to 400 words) for the chance to win.    Read More

Breaking News: Use our revision and publishing resources to take your novel from first draft to masterpiece.    Read More

Breaking News: Stay up late, sleep in late,... and try out these fun writing activities.    Read More

Breaking News: Your feedback is important! Fill out our survey and help us make 2019 the best year yet. Click to read more.    Read More

Breaking News: Help NaNoWriMo earn money—just by voting for our videos! About one hundred times easier than writing a novel in a month...    Read More

Breaking News: Whether it was one paragraph or one hundred pages, you wrote something last month, and that's huge! Is there anything you CAN'T do???    Read More

Breaking News: Email, or post your question in the forums. Happy last day of NaNoWriMo!    Read More

Breaking News: “Motivation can be tough, but you can be tougher.” Read more of Sydney’s final day pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: “How will we ever know what works if we try what doesn’t, time and time again? ” Read more of Teddy’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: “Every moment that you continue, every word that you write, is a success.” Read more of Charlie’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: “Tell yourself right now, 'I'm proud of myself for being a writer.'" Read more of Sophia’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "All you need to write a book is paper and a pen." Watch Annie's full video here!    Read More

Breaking News: "Each day, a writer must start anew." Read Ali's full pep talk here!    Read More

Breaking News: “Jump into the sea of ideas and worlds that surround you.” Read more of Emma’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "You have to write badly to learn to write well." Watch Alex's full video here.    Read More

Breaking News: "You started this journey for a reason." Read Justina's full pep talk here.    Read More

Breaking News: "Your weirdness is your strength." Read Rebecca's full interview here.    Read More

Breaking News: "Something that’s perfect and awesome in your mind will often feel stupid when you write it down." Read Andy's full pep talk here.    Read More

Breaking News: The secret to starting, plus how to join in on our Saturday Virtual Write-Ins.    Read More

Breaking News: Get ready with this last minute checklist, and get pumped with some imagination push-ups (my favorite kind of push-up).    Read More

Breaking News: 30 Covers, 30 Days is back! Submit the synopsis of your novel for the chance to have your book's cover designed by a professional.    Read More

Breaking News: Want to inspire thousands of YWP writers (and become NaNo famous)? Submit your idea for a pep talk by Sunday, Oct. 21. Read more here!    Read More

Breaking News: Sign up for a daily Writing Prep email with helpful dares and prompts.    Read More

Breaking News: Accept the official NaNoWriMo 2018 challenge from your Dashboard and start planning your novel. Not sure how? We're here to help!    Read More

Breaking News: All the tools, community, and encouragement you need to plan your November NaNoWriMo novel.    Read More

Breaking News: Want to write a novel in November but not sure how to start? Get inspired with these three activities!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and a dare from this week's Camp Counselor, Kirstin Chen. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Congratulations, writers! You put words on the page and took steps towards your literary dreams.    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and a dare from this week's Camp Counselor, Kirstin Chen. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and a dare from this week's Camp Counselor, Jessica Strawser. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and a dare from this week's Camp Counselor, Claire Kann. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and a dare from this week's Camp Counselor, Gloria Chao. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and a dare from this week's Camp Counselor, Claire Kann. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Get writing tips and a dare from this week's Camp Counselor, Gloria Chao. Plus, check out the most current Camp happenings!    Read More

Breaking News: Are you ready to write? Jump boldly into your creative project with these four First Day writing tips.    Read More

Breaking News: Writing is more fun (and easier!) with friends. Start a Camp project for tips and support during the process. Learn more here!    Read More

Breaking News: Turning 18 before July 1? Learn about what you can do with your new "alum" account, and sign up for a new one at    Read More

Breaking News: Enjoy this collection of three 300-word stories by YWP authors Bethany, Annabel, and Violet.    Read More

Breaking News: "Pitter patter, pitter patter. The sounds echo through the room, surrounding me in a gray, looming light as I lie in my bed." - Ainsley    Read More

Breaking News: "It was raining in the Library. Ropes of sloe-black ink slithered from the rafters like roots in a desert..." - Megan Mechelke    Read More

Breaking News: Read about the submissions that won the Young Writers Contest in April, and learn about more ways you can share your 300-word story.    Read More

Breaking News: Authors Colby Sharp and Pablo Cartaya chat on video, and author Jacqueline Resnick gives advice about developing characters.    Read More

Breaking News: Author Lisa Doan shares advice for how to make your readers laugh. Write a story a day with us this May!    Read More

Breaking News: Author Tory Christie shares advice for creating empathy and using an outline. Write a story a day with us this May!    Read More

Breaking News: Author Sarah Aronson shares advice for how to experiment and find inspiration. Write a story a day with us this May!    Read More

Breaking News: Author Martine Leavitt shares advice for having fun and staying true to yourself when you write. Write a story a day with us this May!    Read More

Breaking News: Author Abby R. Cooper shares advice for finding and being confident in your voice. Write a story a day with us this May!    Read More

Breaking News: Author Jerry Spinelli shares advice for how to discover ideas. Write a story a day with us this May!    Read More

Breaking News: May is Short Story Month. Learn more about how to participate, and kick off the month with a webcast at 10AM PDT on May 3.    Read More

Breaking News: Celebrate your words, whether you met your goal or not, and get ready to write short stories with us in May!    Read More

Author Amy Spalding is your Camp Counselor for the last week in April, and brings you this week's Camp Care Packages.    Read More

Author Amy Spalding is your Camp Counselor for the last week in April, and brings you this week's Camp Care Packages.    Read More

Author Sarah Raughley is your Camp Counselor for the third week in April, and brings you this week's Camp Care Packages.    Read More

Author Sarah Raughley is your Camp Counselor for the third week in April, and brings you this week's Camp Care Packages.    Read More

Author Helen Hoang is your Camp Counselor for the second week in April, and brings you this week's Camp Care Packages.    Read More

Author Helen Hoang is your Camp Counselor for the second week in April, and brings you this week's Camp Care Packages.    Read More

Breaking News: Author Taran Matharu takes over as your first Camp Counselor this April! Here's his second Camp Care Package.    Read More

Breaking News: Author Taran Matharu takes over as your first Camp Counselor this April! Read his advice and take the weekly writing dare.    Read More

Breaking News: Not sure how to begin? Follow these Day 1 tips.    Read More

Breaking News: Are you working on a project for Camp NaNoWriMo this April? Check out these videos for tips, advice, and some real time conversation.    Read More

Breaking News: Write a short story (under 300 words) and submit it to the Camp NaNo Young Writers Contest by April 30 for the chance to win big!    Read More

Breaking News: Accept the Camp challenge from your Dashboard and get ready to write!    Read More

The "Now What?" months are wrapping up, but Camp NaNoWriMo is on its way. Can't stop, won't stop (writing)!    Read More

Breaking News: Got questions about how to publish a novel? Join our webcast with IngramSpark on February 13 at 4PM PST, or watch the recording later.    Read More

Breaking News: Learn how a write a novel pitch that will wow an agent, or submit your pitch to Pitchapalooza for professional feedback!    Read More

Breaking News: Watch a "Now What?" webcast recorded with real life editors on January 31.    Read More

Breaking News: Finished your first draft and not sure what to do next? Check out our "Now What?" resources for help revising, publishing, and more!    Read More

Breaking News: Submit your noveling tips for the chance to have your wisdom featured in a NaNoWriMo YWP book.    Read More

Breaking News: With just one click, you can help us raise money to support our non-profit programs.    Read More

Breaking News: Take our young writer or educator survey, guaranteed quicker and easier than writing a whole novel in a month.    Read More

Breaking News: Celebrate your hard work! Plus, learn about printing your novel, writing after November, and more.    Read More

Breaking News: “Take a deep breath, plug in headphones to block out your inner editor's balking, close your eyes, and plunge." Read Violet's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "We are all capable of infinitely more than we think..." Read the rest of Kevin's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: “Find why you write. Write every day for that reason. It doesn’t have to be big.” Read more of Emma’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: “Get up...Staring at the screen is like sitting at the bottom of Writer’s Block mountain.” Read more of Haley’s pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: "If you don’t know where your story is going, that’s not a bad thing." Read the rest of Grant's pep talk here.    Read More

Breaking News: "I can promise you moments. Lots of tiny, magical storytelling moments..." Read the rest of Julie's pep talk letter!    Read More

Breaking News: "We ​​write​​ ​in order ​to​​ ​change​ ​the ​​world—to ​​change ​the​​ way​​ ​others​ view​​ life.​​" Read the rest of Anna's pep talk!    Read More

Breaking News: It's not about the word-count goal, it's not even about the novel. It's about you.    Read More

Breaking News: "Remember, you’ll never be the same writer again. You’ll never be the same age, or look at the world with the same eyes." Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: Beat the week two blues with prompts, pep talks, the procrastination station, and a secret trick. Read more here.    Read More

Breaking News: Need some extra noveling inspiration? Want to write alongside a supportive community? Check out a Virtual Write-In! Read more.    Read More

Breaking News: "Stay true to your vision." Read more of Dean Koontz's pep talk here.    Read More

Breaking News: Buckle up your noveling seat belts, 'cause NaNoWriMo 2017 has begun! Read more here to get started strong.    Read More

Breaking News: "This is your novel and only you know how to write it." Read more.    Read More

Breaking News: Even superheroes appreciate a good checklist. Writers and Educators, make sure you're prepared for NaNoWriMo 2017! Read more here!    Read More

Breaking News: Submit the synopsis of your novel for the chance to have your book's cover designed by a professional. Read more here!    Read More

Breaking News: Watch the Newbery Award-winning author live Friday, Oct. 20 at 10 AM PDT, or watch the archived video later. Read more!    Read More

Breaking News: Want to inspire thousands of YWP writers (and become NaNo famous)? Submit your idea for a pep talk by Monday, Oct. 30. Read more here!    Read More

Breaking News: Click "Yes, I accept" to the "Take the Challenge" box on your Dashboard to start your novel today. Read more here!    Read More

Breaking News: Chat with a NaNoWriMo intern and other young writers or educators. Read more here!    Read More

On Monday, September 25, all 18-year-olds' accounts will switch to "alumni" view. Learn more!    Read More

Get ready for your novel with workbooks, the forums, fun flair, and more.    Read More

Hello, countdown to November...    Read More

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Your daily Camp Care Package is brought to you in partnership with We Need Diverse Books. This week's Camp Counselor is author Patrice Caldwell.    Read More

Your daily Camp Care Package is brought to you in partnership with We Need Diverse Books. This week's Camp Counselor is author Patrice Caldwell.    Read More

Wherever you’re at with your writing, don’t stop now! Sometimes the most exciting part of the story is when you get to see how it all turns out.    Read More

Your daily Camp Care Package is brought to you in partnership with We Need Diverse Books. This week's Camp Counselor is author Alexandra Duncan.    Read More

Your daily Camp Care Package is brought to you in partnership with We Need Diverse Books. This week's Camp Counselor is author Alexandra Duncan.    Read More

Feeling discouraged? Adjust your goal! Be brave, be adventurous, and embrace imperfection.    Read More

Your daily Camp Care Package is brought to you in partnership with We Need Diverse Books. This week's Camp Counselor is poet Amanda Lovelace.    Read More

Your daily Camp Care Package is brought to you in partnership with We Need Diverse Books. This week's Camp Counselor is poet Amanda Lovelace.    Read More

Your daily Camp Care Package is brought to you in partnership with We Need Diverse Books. This week's Camp Counselor is poet Amanda Lovelace.    Read More

Your daily Camp Care Package is brought to you in partnership with We Need Diverse Books. Last week's Camp Counselor was author Maurene Goo.    Read More

Your daily Camp Care Package is brought to you in partnership with We Need Diverse Books. This week's Camp Counselor is author Maurene Goo.    Read More

Your daily Camp Care Package is brought to you in partnership with We Need Diverse Books. This week's Camp Counselor is author Maurene Goo.    Read More

Your daily Camp Care Package is brought to you in partnership with We Need Diverse Books. This week's Camp Counselor is author Sona Charaipotra.    Read More

Your daily Camp Care Package is brought to you in partnership with We Need Diverse Books. This week's Camp Counselor is author Sona Charaipotra.    Read More

Your daily Camp Care Package is brought to you in partnership with We Need Diverse Books. Author Sona Charaipotra brings us this week's.    Read More

Sign up now to write the creative project of your dreams this July.    Read More

Are you 13 or older? Sign up for Camp NaNoWriMo and keep the creativity flowing all throughout March and April.    Read More

Tuesday, February 28 at 4 PM PST    Read More

Keep your novel going through the "Now What?" months.    Read More

Watch a webcast, read a blog post, pitch your novel to the pros - just keep the momentum going!    Read More

Help us improve by taking our NaNoWriMo survey, then explore the "Now What?" page.    Read More

Go to the NaNoWriMo page on the Project for Awesome site, click on our videos, VOTE, and help our non-profit organization earn money!    Read More

Love NaNoWriMo? Help us raise money by filming a video, or by voting on other videos about our non-profit organization.    Read More

November is over, and whether or not you met your word-count goal, we're proud of you! Take a moment to celebrate!    Read More

"You, my darling, reckless writer, are going to be okay. "    Read More

"Don’t surrender! Don’t turn back! We knew this would be a disaster before we began; let’s prove our mettle by finishing what we started."    Read More

"You owe this book to you."    Read More

"You are here because you are all Chosen Ones, and your stories have chosen you."    Read More

"But how do you get published without writing a terrible draft first? How do you learn to walk without falling?"    Read More

"It's easy to love a novel you haven't written yet."    Read More

"I hear you’re trying to do an impossible thing."    Read More

The only thing harder than writing a novel in a month is LOSING that novel because you didn't back it up.    Read More

It is so important to respect that part of you, the storyteller who still, despite everything, decided to sit down and write this month.    Read More

Your story matters. Today, go out and tell it.    Read More

My favorite gift. My favorite novel. A friend gave it to me. It was a ream of paper, 500 pages, blank.    Read More

It’s finally November - put down that leftover Halloween candy and start writing!    Read More

Submit your novel synopsis for the chance to have a professional designer create a cover for your book.    Read More

Are you an experienced Wrimo who learned the hard way what it takes to win (and stay sane) in November? Your fellow writers want to hear from you!    Read More

My favorite advice of all time for writing (and life) comes from a poem by Antonio Machado: "Caminante no hay camino / se hace camino al andar."    Read More

Write with us during your lunch break! Join us for Virtual Write-Ins during October and November. First one is this Thursday, October 27 at 12 PM PST.    Read More

Welcome to the new YWP site! Follow these simple steps to be ready to write your novel on November 1.    Read More

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