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Share your ideas to help improve NaNoWriMo!

Now that (hopefully!) you’ve had a few days to catch up on rest and to reflect on your writing adventure, we invite you to share your experiences with us. We would love to hear from each and every one of you, so here’s your chance to give us your feedback to help make NaNoWriMo even better! 

Take a survey!

Help NaNoWriMo improve by filling out this young writer survey, guaranteed easier than writing an entire novel in a month.

Take a survey!

Educators, find the link to the educator survey here, plus instructions for how to share the young writer survey with your students. 

Share a testimonial!

Did NaNoWriMo change your life (in more than just the way-too-busy-to-shower-or-sleep kind of way)? We want to know! This is your chance to share a personal story.

Share a testimonial!

Surveys: Not as hard as Spongebob makes them look.

Spongebob thinking

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