Novelist Workbooks
Our workbooks will help you create characters, build settings, and hatch plots.
Choose your grade level below:
Middle & High Middle School (updated 2021)
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- Work in Google Docs (make a copy of the original doc!)
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- Download free Spanish language PDF
Elementary School
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- Work in Google Docs (make a copy of the original doc!)
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- Download free Spanish language PDF
Brave the Page
The official NaNoWriMo handbook that inspires young people to tackle audacious goals and complete their creative projects.
Partly a how-to guide on the nitty-gritty of writing, partly a collection of inspiration to set (and meet) ambitious goals, Brave the Page is the go-to resource for middle-grade writers. Narrated in a fun, refreshingly kid-friendly voice, it champions NaNoWriMo’s central mission that everyone‘s stories deserve to be told. The volume includes chapters on character, plot, setting, and the like; motivating essays from popular authors; advice on how to commit to your goals; a detailed plan for writing a novel or story in a month; and more.
From our Kirkus Reviews starred review: "Though specifically targeting young writers, this upbeat handbook is a wonderful instruction guide for writers of any age as well as a perfect text for any creative-writing classroom."
Order your autographed copy (and support our non-profit)!
And More!
NaNo Prep 101: Finished with the workbooks, or are they just not, well, working for you? Try our NaNo Prep 101 Workshop! We asked first-time NaNoWriMo winners what went right for them, and then used their answers to create this 6-week novel prep course, filled with activities and resources to help you plan your novel. Follow along with us each week, or download the workbook to go at your own pace.
Read our word-count goal suggestions.
13 or older? Ask for advice in the forums.
Check out the NaNo Writing Hub for pep talks, events, videos, and more.
Check out our other noveling books in the NaNoWriMo store.