NaNoWriMo 2020 Winner Page!

Progress, imagination, connection. In the midst of a difficult year for so many of us, you set a goal, you confronted a blank page, wrote a novel! Take a moment to be truly proud of yourself. It’s a feat you achieved, word by word—with thousands of people around the world, all dreaming and creating alongside you.

Publish Your Novel!

Blurb logo

You wrote a novel—now print it! We've partnered with Blurb, a self-publishing company, to offer YWP participants a special NaNoWriMo landing page, a free ISBN, and 30% off your first order. Plus, 15% goes to support the always free YWP! Use the PDF download from the writing space for a simple process, or get creative. Read our how-to suggestions, or print your novel now.

Print your novel with Blurb.

Winner Certificate

Download the PDF file, and fill in the certificate fields on the computer or by hand. Then print out a copy for home, a copy for school, and a few hundred more copies to wallpaper your bedroom with. You won!

Winner Flair

Share your success with the world! Use these winner graphics on your social media profiles, and be sure to tag your victory posts with #NaNoWinner2020. You earned those bragging rights...

Winner Swag

Official outfit of successful novelists and time travelers alike—celebrate your win with this year's winner shirt! (Be sure to ask your parent or guardian first.) 

Buy a NaNoWriMo 2020 winner shirt!.

You can also peruse more awesome NaNo swag in our store.

Keep writing!

Your NaNoWriMo novel will be stored on the site until the end of time, available to write, edit, revise, and download.

Or, if you want to start a new adventure, accept a personal challenge invitation from your Dashboard any time of year. Set your own timeline and word-count goal, and keep the creative momentum going.