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Camp NaNoWriMo started this Sunday!

camp nanowrimo

Camp NaNoWriMo starts this Sunday! [Pause for shocked gasps.] Don't worry, July snuck up on us, too. Take a confident leap forward on your creative journey this month with these First Day writing tips:

  1. Set aside time on Sunday to write. Find a quiet place where no one will bug you (not even your little brother Eduardo who asks "Whacha doin'?" literally one thousand times a day). If you have a phone, consider leaving it in another room (drastic, I know, but it can help keep you focused).

  2. Staring at a blank page? Check out the "Back to the Beginning!" activity in the Young Novelist Workbook for suggestions on how to start.

  3. Stay motivated by writing with other people. Visit the Camp NaNoWriMo forum, or join a Virtual Write-In. The next one is scheduled for Monday, July 2 at 1 PM Pacific.

  4. Need some extra guidance? Check out our YouTube channel for quick writing tips, and subscribe to get updates.

Thank you for joining us on this wild and creative adventure! I hope your word count rises as high as your dreams (and that your fingers don't get too cramped).

Marya Brennan
Young Writers Program Director

Watch more Camp writing tips.

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