NaNo Prep

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September marks the official start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere, and the official start of NaNo Prep season all around the world! During September and October, writers in every corner of the earth are beginning to think about their novels. 

  • If you plan to join us this year, accept the official NaNoWriMo challenge from your Dashboard!

  • Not sure what word-count goal to set? Check out our Word-Count Goal How-To!

  • Brainstorm and plan with our Young Novelist Workbooks! (Educators, be sure to check out the curriculum and free classroom kits on the Teaching Resources page!)

  • Check out the NaNo Prep 101 Workshop! We asked first-time NaNoWriMo winners what went right for them, and then used their answers to create this 6-week novel prep course, filled with activities and resources to help you plan your novel. Follow along with us each week, or download the workbook to go at your own pace. (Note: this link will take you to a page on the site, but you don't have to be signed in or have an account to see it.)

  • Watch the "Novel Prep" playlist on our YouTube channel for tips and advice.

  • Skim through all the #NaNo Prep posts in the NaNoWriMo blog.

  • Ready?! Cue epic training montage... NOW!

training montage

2024 NaNoWriMo Flair: Coming Soon!

We're still underway with . To give you a sene for flair we've offered in the past, For NaNoWriMo 2023, we’re embracing the magic of fairy tales: talking animals, enchanted lands, unimagined possibilities glittering just around the corner, waiting to be discovered by the lucky storyteller. This year’s artist, ReesaBoBeesa, leaned into this magic with bold colors, lively shapes, and curious critters.

Square Writer Badge:

Declare your writerly commitment all over social media with our 2023 NaNoWriMo Writer badge!

NaNoWriMo Profile Photo

Writer Certificate:

If you participate in National Novel Writing Month and don't meet your goal, you won't get access to the winner page... but you should still claim some bragging rights for your effort and hard work! Download and fill out our 2023 NaNoWriMo Writer certificate

To see more of Reesa’s collaboration with NaNoWriMo, you can check out our 2023 merch collection. Plus, if you meet your goal, you'll see the Winner badge and certificate on your Winner page!

Planner vs. Pantser

And finally, you've got to make the big NaNo decision: Are you a planner or a pantser?

Here's the difference:

Planner Badge

You believe in rigorous preparation.

You’ll spend the months before November carefully fleshing out characters, building worlds, and plotting your story. On November 1, you’ll have an outline—or at least lots of helpful notes.

Pantser Badge

You believe in hardcore spontaneity.

You’ll spend the months before November stocking up on inspiration and mayyybe a vague idea or two (if you’re ambitious). On November 1, you’ll have a blank document and your imagination.

We think both are equally valid! And even if you’re a pantser, we recommend checking out the resources and steps here… You never know what might inspire you!